Today only 16 pairs took a start in the Gold Tour 1m35 competition. Eventually it was George Whitaker and More Candy (s. Lupicor) who triumphed. Emilio Bicocchi (Hialoubet Vassago, s. Baloubet du Rouet) took in the runner-up position and was dollowed by Oda Roth and A Propos (s.Artemis).
Also in the Silver Tour it was a member of the Whitaker-family who took the win. In the 1m40 competition is was William Whitaker and Axel Springs (s. PhinPhin) who finished fastest. Cassio Rivetti and Quuni d'Amaury (s. Gem of India) followed on a second place. The top three was completed by Natale Chiaudani and Fixdings Milos Du Plain (s. Flipper d'Elle).
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