In Lyon, the last class of the evening has just ended. It was a 2*-class, ridden against the clock. 85 combination entered the show ring but only one of them could be the fastest... Eventually it was Olivier Guillon who took home the victory. He and Serise du Bidou (Gin Tonci Star) speeded to the finish line in 56,09 seconds, leaving all fences untouched. Second place was for Jean Luc Morier. He and Souvienstoi Lariviera (Couleur Rubin) jumped a clear round in 58,17 seconds. The French top three was completed by Marc Dilasser and Utah van de Rock (Mozart des Hayettes). They jumped a clear round in 58,33 seconds. Fourth place went to the US. Lucas Porter rode his 12-year old Baloubet du Rouet daughter B Once Z in 59,43 seconds through the finish line. Felicie Bertrand and Almeria Z (Asca Z) completed the top five. Click here for the results