In Sopot they started a little later this morning. The first class of the day was a 5* class with jump-off. The combinations had to jump fences built up to 1.60m high. This class was also a qualifier for the Grand Prix that will be ridden on Sunday. The young Belgian rider Nicola Philippaerts crowned himself as the winner. He and his stallion Forever D'Arco ter Linden (Darco) were one of the last combinations to start in the jump-off, and they went fast as lightening. They crossed the finish line in 39,30 seconds. Philippaerts was to only rider managed to keep his time under 40 seconds. Yesterday he already managed to win a class. Karel Cox, another Belgian rider went for victory as well. He and his gelding Cor vd Wateringhoeve (Thunder vd Zuuthoeve) went fast, but not fast enough. The reigning Belgian Champion finished in 41,39 seconds which resulted in second place. Cassio Rivetto and Coleman (Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve) had to settle for third place. Ramiro Quintana and Whitney (Indoctro) ended in forth spot. Christian Rhomberg and Corbusier (Cristallo) completed the top 5. Click here for the results