The first round of the Nations Cup of Rotterdam has ended moments ago. For now, the home team is in the lead. The Dutch team, consisting of Harrie Smolders (Emerald N.O.P), Jur Vrieling (VDL Zirocco Blue N.O.P.), Willem Greve (Carambole N.O.P.) and Maikel Van der Vleuten (Vdl Groep Verdi Tn N.O.P.) jumped four clear rounds. Harrie Smolders and Emerald (Diamant De Semilly) took their time and got one time penalty. This result was cancelled. This means the Dutch team are standing in the lead with 0 penalties. On second place we find Germany. For now, they have a total of 4 penalties. Marco Kutscher and Balermo (Baloubet du Rouet) touched one fence while Daniel Deusser and Equita van T Zorgvliet got two jumping penalties en one penalty for time. The other two Germans in the team, Marcus Ehning (Funky Fred) and Ludger Beerbaum (Casello) did what everyone expected: they jumped a clear round. Third place after the first round is for Switzerland. The second round has just started. Click here for the results after the first round.