Another sad message reaches the world. Last Wednesday - March 9th, 2016  -  the 8-year-old Diablo SFN started bucking while being lunged. Diablo shattered his talus while landing. The veterinarian was able to diagnose the horse within minutes. After examiniation of the X-rays, the Dutch Showjumping Funds (Springpaardenfonds Nederland), hadn't much options left as to euthanize the horse. Diablo SFN was born on April 17th, 2008 in Haaren, the Netherlands. In 2014 Diablo was sold to the Dutch Showjumping Funds (Springpaardenfonds Nederland). Diablo is a son from the Prestige stallion, Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve out of a Peter Pan-mare. Recently Diablo was ridden by Norway's Oda Charlotte Lyngvaer, riding for Emile Hendrix.