Last Year the Swedish rider Douglas Lindelöw was the best 5* rider in Mechelen. Yesterday evening he won the Speed and Handiness class with the fifteen year old Talina (s. Matterhorn). His fast time of 64.21 seconds made him 6.250 euro richer. Max Kühner rode the also fifteen years old Coeur de Lion (s. Coriano). They ended up on a second place in 65.73 seconds. The new Flemish champion Pieter Devos became third (65.79) with Equipharma Dax van d’Abdijhoeve (s. Desir du Chateau). The always fast British rider Laura Renwick finished in 62.19 seconds with Rembrandt Blue but four seconds were added because they had one fault. She ended on a fourth place. The belgian rider Karel Cox was fifth with Cayen van het Hobos (s. Cornet Obolensky). Click here for the results.