With all British Showjumping Junior Academy Members eligible for nomination, it is sixteen year-old Ellie Cowlard from Northampton that has shone through to receive the NAF Shining Star Award for March 2017. This Northants & Cambridge Academy member becomes a truly deserving award winner following her continued dedication to training of both herself and her horse. Ellie was nominated for the award by Lead Coach Kate Newstead who said the following about her nominee “Ellie attends all the academy training sessions and she always puts herself forward for all the teams. She has shown great improvement over the last year with her horse Grapefruit Moon. She is a talented and versatile rider who does well in all disciplines but shines in showjumping. She is a pleasure to coach, polite, and always willing to help. She is very deserving of her nomination for NAF shining star award.” A British Showjumping member since 2013, Ellie has gone from strength to strength. Upon finding out about the award an over the moon Ellie said “I was so excited when I found out, this is something I have really wanted to get but never thought I would. I love attending the academy, the coaches Kate and Mia are fantastic, they have really help me with my riding and achieving my NAF 5* Performance Award level 4!” Melissa Newman, NAF Brand Manager, added “Congratulations to Ellie on being this month’s Shining Star. Ellie’s hard work and dedication to attend all her training sessions over the last year has meant an incredible improvement in her riding. Ellie is not only a talented showjumper but excels in all disciplines whilst being polite and always willing to help. We wish you all the best for the future, keep up the great work.” Ellie will kindly receive some NAF equine products to use alongside the supplements that she currently uses, her favourite of which is the Silky Mane and Tail D-Tangler leaving her horse look his best when they are out an about. The NAF Shining Star Award was introduced when NAF became a British Showjumping Business Partner. The award is for members of a Junior Academy who have shown a great deal of commitment, progression and outstanding behaviour along with their riding ability and much more. Riders are nominated by their lead coach, and then judged and awarded by NAF to one person each month.