Today the international 5-star classes at Stuttgart German Masters kicked off with a victory for British John Whitaker. In the 1.45m - class against the clock, Whitaker and his ride Argento defeated 85 competitors, of which 33 finished clear. It was a close call, but John Whitaker and his 14-years-old AES-stallion Argento (by Gasper) claimed the highscore. In 58:52 seconds the couple crossed the finish line and earned their first 2,500€ of the weekend. German Felix Haßmann and the 11-years-old SL Brazonado (by SL Baluarte) finished in clear 58:65 seconds and were placed second. STX-rider Petronella Andersson aboard the Limbus - offspring Mouse completed the podium in 59:16 seconds. Eventing rider Michael Jung, entered the show jumping circuit with Sportsmann S (by Stolzenberg) and secured a 4th place in 59:35 seconds. Janne Friederike Meyer and her Chippendale - daughter Chloe followed in 59:51 seconds and wrapped off the Top 5. Click here for the complete results.