A double clear round saw Tom McDermott, the recently crowned Australian Young rider Champion jump to victory on SL Limerick at the Melbourne Royal Show World Cup Jumping competition. McDermott also walked away with second position on his relatively new ride Airtime Z GHP despite the stiff competition of Tim Clarke (Caltango) and Vicki Roycroft (Congo Z). All on equal penalties having accumulated one rail in the 1st round and zero jumping penalties in the second, McDermott had the fastest two rounds leaving Clarke in 3rd position and Roycroft in 4th. The strong field of 23 competitors included three of this season’s World Cup winning combinations Matthew Afford (Kaluna Thunderstruck), Billy Raymont (Anton) and Tim Clarke (Caltango) along with the Sydney Royal FEI CSI2* Grand Prix winner Russell Johnstone (Borealis Centurion) and the new Australian Jumping Champion David Cameron (Rr Dyranta). With five competitions left in the 2014 World Cup series, Tim Clarke has maintained his number one rider ranking following consistent success and fittingly his mount Caltango is currently leading the Golden Grand competition.