[caption id="attachment_70350" align="alignnone" width="200"] His last jump ![/caption]
Mylord Carthago was bid an emotional farewell in Paris yesterday evening. Pénélope Leprévost and the amazing grey stallion received a standing ovation as they took their final lap of honour in the arena at the Gucci Paris Masters. Pénélope spoke about the horse of lifetime, pausing several times to wipe away a tear or two.
Together with Leprévost French-bred stallion was a member of the silver medal winning teams at the 2010 World Championships in Kentucky and the 2011 European Championships in Madrid.
MyLord competed only a few times this year, as he was coming back from injury and he was successful on each occasion. However, in recent months he began showing signs of cervical osteoarthritis, which has prevented him from continuing his career as a competition horse.
Taking this into consideration, Mylord Carthago's owner and his rider, Pénélope Leprevost, decided to put an end to the stallion’s international sporting career, so that he may concentrate on his duties as a breeding stallion.
[caption id="attachment_70349" align="alignnone" width="300"]
MyLord got very excited ![/caption]