It was an exciting showdown tonight during the Grand Prix at Jumping Maastricht  in the Netherlands. No Dutchman managed to break trough to the jump off  that was eventually won by Belgian Nicola Philippaerts. Italian Michael Cristofoletti could be called the surprised of the day.  As second to go in tje Jump-off with his 9-year old Belony (by Balou du Rouer the pair clocked a super fast clear round in 38.38 seconds. A time that saw many top combinations bit the dust, including German top rider Hans-Dieter Dreher that  won a test earlier  today. Upcoming American talent Wilton Porter also had to give in to Cristofoletti.  Porter, who just wraped up his half year internship at Dubbeldam , had an incredible round aboard Caletto Cabana (v. Cassini I) but came across the finish just three tenths later and would ultimately be good for a third place. The winning round this afternoon came from Philippaerts and the 12-year-old H & M Silver Star T. The duo battled across the course stopping the clock on 36.58 seconds. With the knowledge that countrymen Niels Bruynseels and Jérome Guery still would have a crack at his time a Belgian victory today was to be expected. Bruynseels also gave everything to claim the prize with Gancia de Muze (v. Cassini I), but had to pay for his attempt making three jumping faults  along the way ending up on eighth place. Guery and his Olympic steed Grand Cru of the Rozenberg (v. Malito de Reve) soared trough the MECC beating Philippaerts time by more than one and a half seconds. Unfortunately the rider saw 4 penalty points  appear on the scoreboard and finished just outside the top three on fourth place.