Jur Vrieling on Vdl Bubalu for the Netherlands the winning team in DublinThe last leg of the Rolex FEI World Cup Series of the Western European League is awaiting us this weekend in the Dutch town 'Den Bosch'. The so called 'Indoor Brabant' is one of the best organized and most comfortable Indoor competitions of the season. That, for sure, is why the organisation may welcome almost the complete world top. World's number one Christian Ahlmann and his lovely wife Judy-Ann Melchior will battle for the necessary ranking points with the leading lady Edwina Tops-Alexander. But also Olympic Champion Steve Guerdat will be present along side to Marcus Ehning, Gerco Schröder, Ludo Philippaerts, Jos Lansink, Ludger Beerbaum, Luciana Deniz, etc. for the full list: click here source: equnews.be