Like Hillary Mc Nerney, Alexandra Crown is a Kent Farrington’s pupil. And this was the second victory for the “school” of the US team rider who was crowned at the beginning of the month with a team Bronze medal at the World Equestrian Games in Normandy. The 19 years-old New Yorker is riding one of Kent’s former horses: “Zafira is a 10 years-old Dutch mare, she’s perfect. She used to be one of Kent’s horses, which he showed in Grand Prix. I am extremely lucky to have a horse that is so experienced and teaches me the ropes.” And Zafira’s experience was the key of this class as the mare went almost 4 seconds quicker than Valdano under the saddle of Mitch Endicott. Korea’s Jin Kyu Whang came third riding Arthos R. A victory in such a surrounding is, of course, something special for the young lady “ I am thrilled, I am so excited. I’ve never been to a Masters Grand Slam show, so it’s a great start. I usually show on the East Coast, but for the past few seasons, I’ve been going to Spruce Meadows and in Europe. It’s amazing, they did an incredible job putting this show on, setting it up and it’s very cool to be in downtown LA. I have not been to Los Angeles since I was very little so it’s good to be back.”