This is the second victory of the day for California as Jack Towell, San Diego based, won the Barons de Rothschild Trophy, a heavy 1.45m class against the clock with Lucifer V. “It feels especially good to win here because it’s with one of my younger horses. In the past couple of months he’s gone from jumping 1.30m to jumping 1.45m so it feels great that he’s come and done that. My other horses in the barn are going to go to Sacramento and jump World Cups later, so it’s exciting that my youngest one jumped like that.” Jennifer Gates, who owns Lucifer V really wanted to show here: “So I said well, let’s buck up and show here. And I'm happy; it's a fantastic show. Jennifer showed in Paris so we went there and if we did speak French, we'd still be there! It's so nice having a show like this in America.” Three US riders reached the platform of this Barons de Rothschild Trophy: Joie Gatlin went second with Charly ahead of Justin Resnik with Carismo Z.