Belgium keeps on doing well in the Global Champions Tour of Antwerp. Once again a Belgian rider was the fastest. This time it was Sven Van Dijck who won the 'Prize Loewe', a 1.45 m class. He saddled Vici R (Laco x Cassini) and rode the quickest jump off in 36.17 seconds. With this time, he was just slightly faster than Philippe Rozier. He and Unpulsion de la Hart (Kashmir van Schuttershof x Nonstop) crossed the finish line in 36.31 seconds. The young Belgian rider Zoe Conter and Zeta di Sabuci (Kannan x Robin Z) completed the top 3 (36,39 seconds). Marc Bettinger and Balouzini covered the fourth spot. Tiffany Foster and Brighton ended fifth. The Belgians Wouter Devos (Tonik Hero), Jordy van Massenhove (Finesse van Sappenleen) and Nadège Janssen (Rye Val de Mai) finished respectively on sixth, seventh and eight place. Click here for the results