In Antwerp, this evening is all about the 5* riders. They just finished a 1.45 m speed and handiness class. The Belgian rider Gregory Wathelet showed once more why he's the vice European champion. He and Quasi Modo Z (Querlybet Hero x Quidam de Revel) left the fences untouched and speeded trough the course. They came home in 62,31. This was Wathelets first and last course for today, he won't be starting in the GP. Second was the fast Italian rider Emanuele Gaudiano. He stood in the lead for quite some time, but in the end his 62,54 seconds weren't enough to win. Best lady rider in this class was Gudrun Patteet. She saddled the Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve son Sea Coast Calypso van de Zuuthoeve. Just like Wathelet, Patteet won't ride again this evening. She cancelled her entry for the Grand Prix this afternoon. Pius Schwizer (Cloud 20) and Hans-Dieter Dreher (Callisto) completed the top 5. Antwerp is getting ready know for the highlight of the evening: the LGCT Grand Prix. The GP will start at 18.45h. Click here for the results