The showjumping riders arrive in Paris tomorrow. Meanwhile Gold medal (team)winner, Henrik von Eckermann prepares. "I still dream about big things, like winning Olympic Gold... but I'm also a father. My priorities have shifted a bit..."
"In Tokio it was an emotional run in the individual championships. Afterwards you can say fourth place is not bad, but I felt the biggest loser. " says the Swedish showjumper.
"My horse King Edward is just amazing. We trust each other for 100%. Everytime we come at the start I try to do my best. I cannot accept we make I mistake on my behalve. Because my horse is actually never to blame!"
He got more clever!
"Just like with us humans, horses do get older. The older you get, you need to play more clever. You lose some power. Luckily King Edward became more clever as he aged. That shows that mental health for horses is super important. That is why I try to do 150% my best to secure my horses' mental health!"
"I'm a father now. I still dream and think about big things. But as I'm a father now, my priorities have shifted. When I don't win the gold, the world won't end. Off course I will feel bad!"
"We are in shape, bring it on!" von Eckermann concludes!