Olympics_Eventing_2012This weekend the new Nations Cup season for eventingriders will kick off in the French Fontainebleau. Titleholder, Germany, for sure will do everything possible to win this series yet again. Team coach Melzer choose for a team existing of no less then three Olympic riders. Germany will be represented by the Olympic, European and Worldchampion Michael Jung together with Sandra Affarth, Dirk Schrade, Andreas Dibowksi, Kai-Seffen meier and Frank Ostholt. On the other hand Great-Britain is sending a relatively young team to gain some experience. The British will throw Laura Collett, Pippa Funnell, Kitty King, Emily Llewelyn, Gemma Tattersall and Izzy Taylor in the fight. Further only six other countries were able to collect at least 3 or 4 riders to form a national team. These are France, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, New-Zealand and Spain. Compared to last year one event was added to the calendar, namely the Belgian Waregem. © equnews.com