Yesterday the indoor Derby got the crowd going at the World cup qualifier in Stuttgart. Next to the show jumping and dressages classes the German international Indoor Masters offers an eventing program. Yesterday the day concluded with the 'national' Indoor Derby. In the end it was France who coloured the win thanks tot he effort of Sidney Dufresne and the 16-year-old Looping de Buissy (by Quercus du Maury). The pair took a win in only 0.03 seconds faster round as home- and Olympic rider, Michael Jung. Jung competed the 10-eyar-old Rocana FST (by Ituango xx). New Zealand followed in a third place with Mark Todd and NZB landivision. The pair had a total of 4 points in 83.45 seconds. The top five was completed by Andrea Ostholt (Pennsylvania) and Freya Fullgrabe (Oje Oje). With his win Sidney Dufresne returned home without money but with a nice holiday trip in the pocket.