An extraordinary rule change approved in January by the U.S. Equestrian Federation allows competitors the option to wear either an approved and completed medical card or a medical bracelet while jumping as of April 1. Until the effective date, medical cards are required at all times when jumping.
The complete rule, EV113.3 states: “An approved and completed medical card or medical bracelet is required any time while jumping. Medical cards must be enclosed in a transparent, waterproof carrier. Medical cards must be securely attached to the competitor’s upper arm on the outside of the competitor’s clothing. Medical bracelets must be visible on the competitor’s wrist. Medical cards must include any relevant medical history, injury (particularly to the head), drug allergies and current medication.
"If wearing a medical bracelet, any relevant medical history injury (particularly to the head), drug allergies and current medication must be included in the online medical form of the bracelet’s vendor website. Athletes are responsible to record all injuries on the card or in the case of a medical bracelet, update their medical information online. Failure to wear one’s own medical card or bracelet shall be penalized by a fine of $100 (payable to the Organizing Committee).”
© USEF/ Photo: Kath Netzeler