It is with great sadness that we announce that Wild Lone, ridden by Harry Meade (GBR) and owned by Charlotte Opperman, died at approximately 16.15 today after completing the Cross Country at Haras du Pin (FRA) at the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games™ 2014 in Normandy. The 13-year-old gelding had completed the Cross Country course clear with 26.4 time penalties to go into 25th place. The rider had just dismounted and shortly afterwards the horse tragically collapsed and died. As per FEI Veterinary Regulations, a post mortem will be carried out to establish the cause of death. Professor Yves Rossier, the Foreign Veterinary Delegate, reported that all other horses finished the course in good condition. At every FEI event, the maximum consideration is given to the safety and welfare of horses and athletes.