Pieter, how was that jump-off course this evening, it looked tricky?

To be honest, it was a strange jump-off course, it was not really fluid, and I didn’t think I had too much of a chance, because with my horse I can leave out strides but it’s not so easy to do the short turns, and this was all about turning, so I was not really confident before I went in. I must say though, he did everything he could to leave the fences up, he did really well and I’m really happy with him.

What is your horse, Kannabis van de Bucxtale, like?

He’s a very special horse, he’s ultra-careful. In the warm-up he’s quite nervous with all the other horses around, but in the ring he really is a trier, he really wants to go clear and he tries his best. If you get him relaxed, he tries everything for you, but it’s not easy to get him relaxed.

What is it like to have to spectators back at The Dutch Masters this year?

It’s super to have the spectators back, that feeling that you are supported by the crowd again. We have got so used to riding by ourselves and not feeling that atmosphere when you go into the arena. Now you go in and you see the people and you feel again one of the reasons for doing what we are doing.

How are you feeling ahead of the Rolex Grand Prix tomorrow?

The Rolex Grand Prix is a different level, but I hope my horse is in good shape tomorrow. I am riding another one, I am riding Claire Z, so we will see, we will do our best and see where we end up and tonight gives us a lot of confidence.