Professional and youth polo players of all ages shared the same polo fields on Saturday at the inaugural ProKidz Junior Polo Tournament. In a unique format hosted by The Polo School at Grand Champions, pros from Grand Champions played alongside and coached their three junior teammates in two games in a fun but competitive atmosphere. Held simultaneously on an adjoining field, pros worked with young players in four other divisions (lead line, walk trot, walk trot canter and intermediate). “It is a format we had wanted to do many times,” said Melissa Ganzi. “This is another first-of-its-kind tournament for Grand Champions. “We were really happy to do this,” Ganzi said. “It couldn’t have been better. I really appreciate the pros coming in an extra day and helping all the kids. These kids are going to get better and form relationships.” Said Hall of Famer and 8-goaler Mike Azzaro: “This is something I have been saying for years and that’s these kids need to be playing with a pro all the time. A high-goal pro will get them the ball. In today’s game there was no stickiness, it was flowing and their level comes up so it’s huge.” For Azzaro and his wife Amy, it was a thrill to watch their three children play. “It’s awesome especially seeing Allie playing as great a she played out there,” Azzaro said. “Hunter is just getting into it and really enjoying it. He got out there and got on a horse on his own in full canter and had a blast. And Harrison, he’s ready to go anywhere.” In the opening advanced game, Grand Champions Blue with pro Juan Bollini, Riley Ganzi, Chase Schwartz and Allie Azzaro defeated Grand Champions White with Guille Aguero, Jacqui Casey, Jack McLean and Ignacio Loianno. With the game tied at 2-2 with 5:25 left in the fourth chukker, Schwartz scored the winning goal on a booming hit for a 3-2 victory. “It just kind of happened,” said Schwartz, 17, who has been playing polo for four years. “I love playing these tournaments and I think it’s great they have them. I thought the game was going to be close." Azzaro’s daughter, Allie, scored the opening two goals for Grand Champions Blue. McLean, working both sides of his horse, scored both goals for Grand Champions White. “The horses were so nice and it was a good game, I had lots of fun,” McLean said. “You can always play better but I had a great time.” McLean, 13, travelled the farthest to participate. He and his family flew in from Pittsburgh. McLean, an eighth grader, said he tries to compete in at least seven or eight junior tournaments a year in Wellington and plans to return for a Polo Training Foundation tournament in December. McLean, a former equestrian, has been playing polo for two years and has progressed quickly. “This is great playing with and against players like this, it’s how you get better,” McLean said. “I took a lesson down here and watched a 26-goal game and been hooked ever since. My dream is to be good enough to make a living in polo someday.” In the featured game, The Polo School Blue with Mike Azzaro, Harrison Azzaro, Macki Weisz and Cipi Echezarreta defeated The Polo School Green, Kris Kampsen, Santos Bollini, Anthony Devrient and Matt Cohen, 4-3. Harrison Azzaro, Azzaro’s oldest son, scored all four of his Blue team’s goals including the game-winner on a hard-hit penalty shot with 55 seconds left in regulation. Cohen scored two goals and Bollini added one for Green. “This was really fun,” Harrison Azzaro said. “I thought we had a strong team but I didn’t know if we would win today. Mackenzie is a great player and Cipi has improved ten times better. “I’ve been playing these kind of tournaments ever since I have been able to stand up,” said the 13-year-old. “The competition helps you get better. Playing with my dad is so much fun. He helps us so much. When we do something wrong he doesn’t bring us down, he shows us what we can do better.” Other participants in the ProKidz event that attracted more than sixty participants were: Lead line: Piaget White (Bella Weiss, P-Nut Erskine), Piaget Black (Adan Montoya, Emmett Templin). Walk trot: Grand Champions Black (Carlitos Gracida, Lorenzo Ramirez, Luci Ramirez, Nikko Ramirez); (Audi Red) Misha Rodzianko, Able Templin, Solon Templin, Finn Secunda, Avalon Nottingham). Walk Trot Canter: The Polo School Green (Dale Schwetz, Juli Escurra, Buhl Fenner, Elizabeth Gigi Fenner); Audi White (Brandon Phillips, Javier Celis, Carl Gittens, Zoe Echezaretta, Hunter Azzaro). Intermediate: The Polo School Yellow (Dale Schwetz, Joseph Schwartz, Bryce Gardiner, Will Jacobs); The Polo School Purple (Joey Casey, Cipi Echezarreta, Juanse Olivera, Maria Celis). Tournament director Robin Sanchez thanked “all the professional players who made the game so much fun for their teams.” Sanchez also thanked Lisa Hall Ramirez, Jeanine Ramirez, Tracy Schwartz, Megan Rai-Ferguson, Jennifer McLeavy and all the volunteers for their hard work, along with Marc and Melissa Ganzi and The Polo School at Grand Champions. Grand Champions provided Miami-based food truck CheGrill serving Argentine food and refreshments for players, coaches, parents and spectators throughout the afternoon. There was no entry fee for players to participate in the ProKidz event and Grand Champions mounted most of the players. Every participant also received a free Grand Champions back pack during the awards ceremony. Grand Champions Polo Club, the nation’s fastest growing polo club, has played a key role in helping develop and promote youth polo year-round by sponsoring and hosting several tournaments along with the Polo Training Foundation. Grand Champions Polo Club owners and players Marc and Melissa Ganzi along with the Polo Training Foundation have been instrumental in the growth of junior and youth polo and plan on hosting more ProKidz events during the spring and fall seasons at Grand Champions. Melissa Ganzi is secretary-treasurer of the Polo Training Foundation and has been a selfless supporter of the PTF orchestrating the growth and success of the juniors and youth programs across the nation. © Phelps