Horse lovers all over the world want harmonious, responsible and fair equestrian sport. Every single image that shows unethical behavior towards the horse as a partner is one too many. Everyone involved with horses has a responsibility to act today so that equestrian sport is also possible in the future. From the riders to the associations. But also the show organizers. Accordingly, the organizers of the FEI World Cup Finals 2025 in Basel want to set an example. In partnership with the R- haltenswert movement, they are launching the Equine Quality Control (EQC) pilot project.
As part of this project, three independent and highly qualified experts from the equestrian world will observe what happens on the warm-up areas for the entire duration of the tournament. They record any potential objections and exchange information with the officials on a daily basis. Equine Quality Control thus acts as a supplement and support to the official FEI stewards. Measures or sanctions remain within their competence. Equine Quality Control is solely committed to the welfare of the horses and seeks a professional and competent exchange with all those involved.
At the FEI World Cup Finals 2025 in Basel, it is unfortunately not possible for infrastructure reasons to make the warm-up areas, which are housed in tents, accessible to the public. The Equine Quality Control pilot project is therefore a contribution by the organizers to increase transparency. In addition, three large monitors will be installed for the first time in the entrance area of the
St. Jakobshalle in Basel so that the public can follow the work in the warm-up areas live at all times.
As Chairman of the organizer of the FEI World Cup Finals 2025, Dr. h.c. Thomas Straumann points out: “We want to offer our main players, the horses, the best conditions so that they feel comfortable with us. This also means that we take a close look, strictly monitor compliance with the rules and report any misconduct and punish it with the means available to us as organizers.”