In addition to their big win in Aachen, Deslaurier and Hester also recorded notable victories at the American Gold Cup, Hampton Classic, International Bromont, Ottawa, Spruce Meadows, and in Wellington. The pair were also part of the U.S. team that took bronze at the 2019 Pan American Games.

On her Instagram page, Lucy Deslauriers wrote the following:

"Thank you will never be enough and I’m not sure I’ll ever find the words that are.

For the past 11 years, Hester has been the center of my world. At 12 years old, I never imagined what our new 7yo would mean to my family and me. It’s still hard to believe all he’s been. I jumped my first 1.20m classes with him, my first USET finals, junior and young rider championships, senior U.S. teams, and my first senior championship at the Pan American Games. Aside from the wins, medals, and other major moments with him that have defined my career thus far, Hester has more importantly been my reason to get better every day, my main source of confidence as an athlete, and my best friend.

This sport is most special because of partnerships like ours. And with that, comes the responsibility to know when to stop asking for more. Hester fought for me and with me, no matter what I asked of him, for all 11 years. For everything he has given me, I am grateful I can give him a happy and healthy retirement in return.

I have so much gratitude for the countless people who have been a part of our adventure together. We’ve had a mighty team behind us.

And the biggest thank you to my dad for sharing him with me, believing in us, and guiding us every step of the way.

I’m still in awe of this horse and feel incredibly lucky for everything he continues to be.

Thank you, Hester.

@ldeslaur now has the best practice horse of them all ♥️🐻"

On behalf of the entire Equnews team, we wish Hester a wonderful and well-deserved retirement!

Source: Instagram / WOS