Australia’s two round jumping nomination series will come to a close this weekend at the Spangenberg (GER) CSI3* where three riders will go head to head for two positions on Australia’s team for the 2014 FEI World Equestrian Games (WEG). The three combinations that remain alive in the series are Amy Graham and Bella Baloubet, Jamie Kermond and Quite Cassini and James Paterson-Robinson and Boris. They’ll each take part in a Grand Prix qualifier on Friday evening and must progress through to Sunday’s Grand Prix if they are to remain in contention. Should all three make it through to the Grand Prix, the top two ranked combinations will be awarded a position on the Australian team, so long as the total number of penalties they accumulate during the qualifier and Grand Prix from each nomination round is no greater than 20 (this is in accordance with the selection policy). Amy Graham carries eight penalties into this weekend’s decider and has a small lead over Jamie Kermond who has nine penalties. James Paterson-Robinson has the least room for error with 12 penalties. Graham says her horse is feeling fresh and happy after the first nomination event last week. “I felt confident and happy going into Mons. Bella has come off a long break after a small injury and had only jumped in saint Tropez before coming to Mons. “I made two mistakes that could have been avoided, 0 penalties is always the desired outcome, but we keep fighting and will be trying for a better result this weekend. “I've worked really hard these last two years to try to have some solid consistent performances. I've tried to get into some big shows and jump well. Bella has really performed well and so I was feeling excited about Mons but not much pressure,” reflected Graham. Eight combinations started the two round nomination series but with scores tight amongst the large international field in last weekend’s nominated qualifier only three combinations progressed to the Grand Prix. Although they are not eligible for automatic nomination shortlisted combinations are still in contention for discretionary nomination to the Australian team and will compete at Spangenberg this weekend. The only exception to this is Alison Rowland and Bickley Brook Bella after Equestrian Australia was advised that Bickley Brook Bella would be withdrawing from further consideration for WEG2014 selection. Those remaining on the shortlist include: Julia Hargreaves & Vedor; David Goodwin & Warrego Jericho; Thaisa Erwin & Matilda; James Passey & Yirrkala Cortina.