Only a couple of weeks to go … the final preparations are being put in place for the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games. The seventh staging of this event s set to be the biggest yet, with a record number of nations, competitors, journalists, etc. Here's an insight in the WEG by the numbers:
500,000,000 expected television viewers around the world.
75,600,000 is the cash backing for the games (in euros).
10,000,000 is the sponsorship (in euros) made by main sponsor Alltech.
300,000 tickets have been sold so far.
100,000 tickets are still available, as of July 4.
But there is more !...
3000 volunteers will help run this event
1200 journalists will cover the event
1000 horses (and thus app. riders) will be competing at this event.
300 photographers will be on the spot.
100 people worked on this event, made it possible
72 nations will participate, from which 57 will compete in show jumping. Making this the most popular among the FEI disciplines. What is maybe a bit surprising is the 50 nations that subscribed for endurance. Making it the second most popular.
And finally getting to the lower numbers...
25 is the average ticket price in euros
12 is the number of countries making their WEG debut. They are Hong Kong, the US Virgin Islands, Kazakhstan, Republic of Korea, Latvia, Morocco, Mauritius, Peru, Palestine, Romania, Thailand, and Tunisia.
9 The number of countries to enter to have entered teams in all the FEI disciplines. They are Australia, Austria, France, Great Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, and the United States.