Behind the good and right technique and method of training a horse and a rider for jumping, there are some good rules for jumping safetly and correctly.
Firts of all, it’s advisable when jumping to have an assistant present to put up obstacles, to ensure that the distances between fences are correct and also for reason of safety. The obstacles must be well built, safe and sound. They should also be ‘inviting’ to encourage the horse to jump and not to run out and also should be kept small enough to prevent him being over-faced.
Distances between the obstacles and the placin and trotting poles should be correct (suited to the horse's stride) until an advanced stage of training. The young horses should be started over fences with which he is familiar, easy and safe. When trying a new or strange obstacle it’s advisable to make him small in height, to show it to him first, to let him sniff at it. With nervous horse it’s better to follow a experienced horse over the fence. At all cost the horse should be in a good comfort, not fearful, confident and refusals should be avoided.
Be careful about the ground: if it is too hard or too soft or if the horse is not fit enough for the work demanded, jumping could cause sprains and lameness. Long jumping sessions should always be avoided.
The is no need to jump massive fences at home. The aim of the trainer is to familiarise the horse with all types of obstacles and to develop a style which will make jumping as easy as possible. This can be achieved over low obstacles and even advanced horses need not practise over more than 1 meter and 20 obstacles.