At the age of 30 years the top stallion Concorde has passed away last night. Concorde was born on 10.05.1984 at the stables of L. Van Diest. Later the stallion was bought by C.A.M and Team Nijhof and the Bosch family in Luttenberg. Olympic Concorde did win several international competitions under the saddle of former World Champion Jos Lansink. The pair won the Grand Prix of Nordrhein-Westfalen, Aachen. They became the Dutch Champions pair in 1994. Further they rode to a second spot in the Grand Prix's of Amsterdam, Darmstadt, Lanaken, Helsinki, Gothenburg, etc.  Concorde further has a lot of approved sons. Audi's Jikke, Kathja, Conquest, Larino, Viktor, Isabella and Marius Claudius are some of his children already competing on 1.60m Grand Prix levels.