Marcus Ehning's former top horse, Sandro Boy (Sandro x Grannus), is going back to France. The 23-year-old horse retired from competition in 2010 and has been available for the breeding sport ever since. Sandro Boy was available with the Holstein Verband and Paul Schockemoehle. Now the stallion will join the Neyrat's family 'Beligneux le Haras' in Servas, France. 2016 will however be the only year the stallion is available in France. Frédéric Neyrat explains Sandra Boy might be the next future for the French breeding sport. "Since ages France has been breeding with powerfull stallions. What we are missing are the stallions who can go fast, are sensible and yet easy (calm) to ride," explains Neyrat. "It is my opinion Sandro Boy will help the French breeding sport to develop the horse of the future."