Last weekend the end of the year was celebrated with the annual AIEC World Finals competition for dressage and show jumping. One year ago the event was hosted in Wellington, Florida. This year the international event was welcomed in the 'Reitsportanlage Dagobertshausen'.
A total of six countries took the start in the Gold League, while an other nine battled it out in the Silver League. Only the six best official teams throughout the year were qualified for the Gold League. In both dressage and Show jumping hosting country, Germany took the second place. Going home with the overall win. Magdalena Preisler, Till Möller and Friederike Wilmers ensured a an enthousiastic home crowd.
Individually it was Ireland's Ian Cassells who took home the win in the Gold League dressage. A sublime freestyle with special music and light effect convinced the judges of his win. Alicia Wilkinson followed on a second place. Spain's José Fumero took home the gold show jumping medal.
In the Silver league competition it was Switzerland who dominated the competition. Mainly thanks to Sonja Kulkin's overall and dressage victories. France's Aliénor Berton finished second and Belgium's Marijke Bax took home the third dressage place.
In show jumping the finals were set for faults and ideal time. Finishing in 68.22 second Belgium's Bram Van Hulle was close to victory. However he finished with one jumping fault. Victory eventually coloured Stripe and Stars after a splendid win of Makayla Benjamin. Switzerland's Luana Nyirö finished second.