The 17-year-old Holsteiner stallion, Con Air (Contender x Carolus I) has suddenly passed away. Last week Wednesday the stallion died during his morning walk in the paddock. Owner Frederic Neyrat sees the loss of his popular stallion as a tragic disaster. "Not only because we lose a friend, but also because our popular stallion passed way in mid-breeding season," explains Neyrat. Con Air started his career under the saddle of the German Otto Becker. The pair won the Nations Cup finals in Barcelona in 2008 with the team. In 2009 the stallion switched rider with Peppi Dahlmann, from where he left to the Argentinian rider José-Maria Larocca. Con Air is a popular stallion with some nice off-breds. The most well known -sons of this stallion are Sergio Alvarez Moya's Cashew, Erica Swarts' Conisha van de Helle and Cian O'Connor's Countdown.