On their Facebook page Eurohill Stables (Christiaan Hendriksen) announced that his top breeding mare passed away. The exact cause is not known, the mare probably died because of a brain haemorrhage. The mare - Eurohill's Naline - was in the clinic of Esther de Melker in Jelsum for embryo flushing. "It would be the last time that we would try this, although she was still really healthy and you wouldn't give her her age - she was 21 years old. Suddenly sounds were coming out of her stable, told Esther, and when they ran to her stable, she was laying on the ground; she couldn't stand up anymore and she died soon after this happened." The Polydox-daughter has no less than 21 offspring. Her first foal was Simon (s. Mr. Blue), who first jumped with Jeroen Dubbeldam and in 2013 he won the World Cup Final with Beezie Madden. A year later Talita (s. Galoubet A) was born. By this mare Naline is the grandmother of another international performing horse: Zwitser (s. Lupicor) jumps at 1.60m level with the Swiss rider Max Kühner. Other good offsprings are Vigao (s. No Limit), who is now named MyNovember Guest, Eurohill's Alcatraz (s. Heartbreaker), Eurohill's Calgary (s. Hilton), etc. The foal that is being expected next year, out of I'm Special de muze, will be the last one out of Naline. 'It would have been nice if we could have gotten some more foals out of Naline' says a sad Hendriksen. 'But on the other side: She gave us so much, we are happy with what she brought us."