"At this moment, it doesn't seem like breeding is heavily affected", Milstein starts. "The breeding season of course is only starting just now but the nice weather will have its influence on the mares. We have known an easy start of the season, but everything seems to be starting for real right. I think breeders were panicing about Corona at first but right now they realize that's not necessary. Breeding means investing in the future so I don't expect big consequences for breeding. At this moment I don't really see a change of behavior with our clients".  

Milstein thinks this could be a unique opportunity for breeding as well: "If cancelling competitions will have its impact on breeding? I honestly don't think so. Or maybe yes but the impact will be positive. Since there are no shows to ride, a lot of stallions are home right now. This is a big advantage for breeders since a lot of stallions are available with fresh semen right now. I also think this breeding season will last longer than a normal breeding season. Nobody knows how long this situation is going to last so maybe they waited a bit longer to pick a stallion... But however, they have an amazing offer of fresh semen right now, which can actually be good for the breeding season. We also offer fresh semen: all stallions who were normally jumping competitions right now came home and are available for breeding. In this way we try to make the best of a bad situation". 

He continues: "I think people also need to realize this is a health crisis and not a financial crisis. Of course the current measures have their impact on the economy but I'm convinced that, once the health situation is under control, economy will flourish again. I remain positive for the future and I think our sport will relive after this. I think breeders don't have any reason to skip this year. When the time has come you can start 'riding' the horse you breed today, the virus hopefully will have vanished completely".