In Barcelona this afternoon the denouement of the weekend is scheduled: the final of the Nations Cup. In anticipation of that, however, the Caixabank Trophy was jumped just now, a 1m45 that was ridden in two phases. The victory came in Belgian hands: Jerome Guery rode Eras Ste Hermelle (v. vargas de Ste Hermelle) clear through the second round in 51.63 seconds. He was easily the fastest.
Lillie Keenan and Agana van het Gerendal Z (by Aganix du Seigneur) took home second place. They had a clear round and finished in 53.14 seconds. Steve Guerdat completed the podium. He scored a clear round on Dynamix de Belheme (by Snaike de Blondel) and finished in 53.41 seconds.
For Denis Lynch (Visa Z) and Francesca Ciriesi (Cape Coral) there was a fourth and a fifth place.