To celebrate nearly two decades of changing the lives of children in need, JustWorld is calling on equestrians to join the return of the popular in-person fundraising event in Wellington, The Nineteenth...
After the first successful edition of Chosen Auction, the organisers Damien Haelterman, Juan Carlos Perez and Waël Ezzedine immediately made it clear that it would not remain a one-off. For...
The young team of Equbreeding has announced its new concept, Equbreeding Stallions. "We want to give Belgian breeders access to sport stallions that are a little less known to 'us',...
The future of equestrian sport begins - NOW! For the 3rd foal online auction of the stallion stations Schockemöhle and Helgstrand Dressage from July 17th to 19th, a lot brimming...
Since his famous trucks can't hit the road anymore, Lieven Hendrickx developed a webshop this week together with the team of Branding Pro.