Following the overwhelming success of the previous edition earlier this year, the young and passionate team of Belgian Elite Auction is once again ready to entrust 18 promising foals and...
The collaboration between Tops Equestrian Events and the WBFSH brings a new, genuine studbook team competition to life. A unique concept where studbooks make their own selections, and teams from...
Are you ready for an exciting equestrian future? Discover the amazing collection of stunning, great moving foals all with interesting pedigrees of Equestrian Auctions.
Last year, we had the Full Brother of Emerald from 't Ruytershof... and this year, the team behind's live and online auction is once again impressing with an exclusive...
Something different… A foal auction with only fillies from the best lines Belgium has to offer: Foal Auction 111, The Filly Edition! Saturday the 2nd of September we will be...
The team of unveiled promising talents for their upcoming LIVE & ONLINE auction, which will take place on Tuesday, September 12, 2023 in Belgium. It's a collection that surpasses expectations,...
The Belgian auction house Eye Of The Breeder can look back successfully on previous live and online editions, but is pulling out all the stops once again with this online...
Next week, many happy new owners will emerge. On Friday, August 11th, the Live & Online auction will take place in Vosselare, where foals, free jumpers, and ridden horses will...
The collection of this foal & embryo auction selected by Belgian Elite Auction is once again not of the least! 18 exceptional jumping talents for the future offer themselves during...
18 handsome foals and future jumping talents have been gathered in the new edition of the online Belgian Elite Auction. A first look at the collection immediately shows the approach...