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Gregory Wathelet: "If we can jump on a nation level before summer, we'd be very lucky"

Gregory Wathelet, one of Belgium's top riders, starts with some good news: "Since all competitions are cancelled, Nevados and Iron Man vd Padenborre will be available for breeding this season....

Fredricson: "The Olympics should have been the last big Championship for All In"

The Swedish top rider Peder Fredricson saw one of his biggest goals of this year, the Olympics, being cancelled. This reschedule is extra painful for him since the Olympics were...

Jos Verlooy: "I think at first we will have a lot of CSI2* shows"

Jos Verlooy, the best U25 rider of the world, is stuck at home, just like anybody else. "I think that, when competitions will start again, we will have a lot...

Wobbe Kramer, breeder of Kannan: "I still remember the day he was born"

Wobbe Kramer of Stal Kramer, breeder of the legendary stallion Kannan (f. Voltaire) said that he still remembers the day this amazing stallion was born. 

Corona training at home. Today: Warm-up with Sofia Westborg

All riders are stuck at home but this doesn't stop them from sharing their best training tips with you. Last we already posted two video's with CSI5* and Equteam rider,...

250.000 euro for Movie Star 29 in Oldenburger Auction

The elite auction of the Oldenburger Verband could not take place this year so they decided to keep a online auction instead. The online-auction started on Wednesday and was closed...

UPDATE: Technical problem probable cause of fire Gerfried Puck

Last week we wrote that the stables of Gerfried Puck were the victim of a terrible fire. The probable cause is known as well now: a technical issue of one...

Niels Bruynseels: "Maybe it's good for our sport that everyone has to stay home for a while"

We've been writing it a lot lately and we will probably be writing even more in the next couple of weeks, but due to Corona, we all have to stay...

Leanjo de Koster: "The only thing I can do right now is wait and see what happens"

The current Corona crisis is affecting everyone, so much is clear. We therefore spoke with one of the most well-known photographers in equestrian world, Leaonje de Koster of Digihots, about...

FEI Jumping Calendar Task Force agrees resolutions at first virtual meeting

The Jumping Calendar Task Force, one of eight discipline-specific task forces created by the FEI to evaluate the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the FEI Calendar and propose ways...