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New Grand Prix horse for Kévin Staut

France's showjumping rider, Kevin Staut has welcomed a new talent in his stables. Staut will in the future compete aboard his new Grand Prix horse, Végas de la Folie. Before the son...

Kim Emmen and Erik Berkhof's Margaretha Hoeve go separate ways

Dutch showjumping rider, Kim Emmen has part ways of her sponsor and horse owner, EriK Berkhof. After several years of cooperation it is time to go our separate ways, both...

Patrice Delaveau conquers Valencia's Grand Prix qualification

The course of the Grand Prix qualifier in Valencia was set at a height of 1.40m. Only France's Patrice Delaveau managed to produce a clear Jump-Off in under 39 seconds...

Edwina Tops-Alexander and Latisha de Regor win Ranking class MET Oliva

While Belgium's Olympic rider, Jérome Guery won the 1.40m Silver Grand Prix it was Australia's top rider, Edwina Tops-Alexander who conquered the 1.45m Longines Ranking class in Oliva. Alexander speeded...

New Grand Prix horse for Alexander Butler. "I hope Mill's Sheridan will get me to a higher level."

Sweden's Evelina Tovek said her goodbyes to one of her top horses. Tovek's  Mill's Sheridan arrived in her stables in 2017 and now moves on to Ireland's Alexander Butler.

Friday's Longines Ranking winners under the Sun

Another day under the Spanish sun has brought some exciting sport today. With Longines Ranking classes in Oliva and Valencia, as well as in Portugal's Vilamoura. Both Matthew Sampson and...

Dream Stable for sale in Belgium

Located at the heart of Europe, closeby the Airport of Brussels, Belgium and Brussels South this new equestrian facility on about 3 ha. land is set for sale. The equestrian...

Best sold horse of PS Online Auktion moves to Ireland for 101.000 euro

Earlier this week the PS Online Auktion amazed with a top price of 101.000 euro for the best sold horse, Jannik PS (Je t'Aime Flamenco). The 4-year-old Oldenburger moves to Ireland.

William Whitaker returns to Great-Britain

Great Britain's, William Witaker and USA's Rushy Marsh Farm have ended their cooperation. Whitaker is ready to return to Great-Britain. For the British rider, this also means the loss of...

Alan en Danielle Waldman put for sale their Europe Stable

Alan Waldman and Danielle Waldman-Goldstein have plans to move, however it is yet unknown where the couple will move to. That is also why the couple has put for sale...