On Wednesday early evening, the Windsor restaurant in Bertrange was the venue for a press conference at which the organisers of the annual Reiser Paersdeeg international showjumping event in Crauthem announced that this year will see the 25th anniversary event organised by CSIO Luxembourg. This year's event is to be held from Thursday 29 June to 2 July and will feature a "Coupe de Nations" with four riders per each of the nine countries which have qualified to participate (GB, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Norway, Ukraine, Poland, Denmark and Hungary), in addition to four other countries invited by CSIO Luxembourg (USA, Germany, Switzerland and Luxembourg). Despite there having been a Nations Cup held beofre in the 1990s (the last one in 1996) in Oberanven, this will be the first time that a Luxembourg team will compete in such an event in its own country. On Friday evening, the official 25th anniversary celebrations will be held and, on Saturday evening, there will be a "Sunset Dinner Over the Green", with chef Jan Schneidewind. In 2016 there were a total of 170 riders from 20+ countries and 300+ horses participating in the four-day event. In addition, CSIO Luxembourg will organise a second event, a two-star event, the following week-end at the same venue.