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CAS Panel finds Eric Lamaze guilty of the anti-doping rule violation and imposes an ineligibility period of four years...

The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), has issued its decision in the human anti-doping case concerning Eric Lamaze (FEI ID 10000439), a retired Jumping athlete of Canadian nationality.

FEI publishes new rules for 2025! 'Clear focus on horse welfare and social media control...'

Following our previous report on the FEI General Assembly, the international federation has released its updated rulebook for 2025. While the FEI jumping rules will undergo a comprehensive overhaul next...

In Memoriam: equestrian community mourns Pehr G. Gyllenhammar (1935-2024)

The FEI pays tribute to Pehr Gustaf Gyllenhammar, the legendary Volvo chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), who sadly passed away earlier this month at the age of 89.

In Memoriam: equestrian community mourns Pehr G. Gyllenhammar (1935-2024)

The FEI pays tribute to Pehr Gustaf Gyllenhammar, the legendary Volvo chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), who sadly passed away earlier this month at the age of 89.  

François Mathy Jr.: "At some point the FEI must take a stand and say, we are the professionals; we know the horse"

From November 10-13 International Jumping Riders Club president François Mathy Jr. represented the club at the FEI General Assembly in Abu Dhabi. The FEI presented first steps in its new welfare strategy....

FEI informs of EHV-1 outbreak in France: Fatalities already confirmed

The FEI Veterinary Department would like to alert the equestrian community to an Equine Herpes Virus-1 (EHV-1) neurological outbreak in France. The outbreak is linked to a national event that took...

FEI Largely Disregards Proposed Rule Changes! "We are however open for positive feedback and changes..."

The FEI (Fédération Equestre Internationale) has published its proposed rule changes for the upcoming general assembly. While some adjustments to the Nations Cup rankings have been agreed upon, many other...

FEI to test noseband tightness with fully tested tool

The International Federation of Equestrian Sports (FEI) has announced the approval of a new device designed to measure and control the tightness of nosebands used on horses during competition. After...

Christian Kukuk, Omar Abdul Aziz Al Marzooqi and Lisa Fundis nominated for FEI Award

It’s that time of the year again – a unique and important opportunity for fans to have their say on the best of the best in the equestrian world through...

FEI appoints Frédérique Reffet Plantier as new director of eventing

The FEI announces Frédérique Reffet Plantier as Director of Eventing. The 39-year-old Reffet Plantier, who has both Swiss and French citizenship, will be in charge of the FEI Eventing Division,...