The BOIC and KBRSF confirm their selection of combinations that will be representing Belgium at the Olympics 2016 in Rio this august. For the showjumping two individual tickets were obtained and it will be Jérôme Guéry with Grand Cru of the Rozenberg and Nicola Philippaerts with Silver Star T that will ride the courses under the Belgium flag.  As a reserve Judy-Ann Melchior will fly over to Brasil with her horse As Cold As Ice Z In addition Bisquet Balou C from Nicola Philippaerts is on standby if needed. Belgians best rider Grégory Wathelet that secured one of the starting spots is sadly missing out on this Olympics due his championship rid HH Conrad being sold. The horse that gave him his second place at the Europeans in Aachen last year is now being ridden by American rider Quentin Judge. For Eventing it Belgium will sent out legendary rider Karin Donckers with Fletcha 't Verahof and Joris Vanspringel together with his Lully des Aulnes to represent the small nation. Both riders have a second horse or even third ready for the Olympics. However if they would not be fit the charming Lara de Liedekerke-Meier and Ducati van den Overdam are also ready to go. In Dressage the Belgians manage to secure only one spot due to the good results of Fanny Verliefden. However she will not be able to show her excellence at the games due to a slight injury of her horse Anna Rico. Even with a speedy recovery the horse would nog be fit enough to endure an event like the Olympics and therefore Verliefden has chosen to keep the  11-year-old at home. With no back-up horse her spot goes to the young talented rider Jorinde Verwimp and her horse Tiamo, with Jeroen Devroe and Eres DI as a reserve.