Before the World Cup Jumping, that is starting right now, the World Cup driving has already been ridden this afternoon. The finale in Gothenburg was an amazing competition. After the first day, the top favorites for the win Chardon, De Ronde and Exell stood in the ranking after Jozsef Dovrovitz. The first competition on Saturday counted for the endranking as well. 50% of the time difference between the winner and the other drivers were taken to the finale. In the end a drive-off with three drivers had to decide about the winner. But eventually it once again was the Australian driver Boyd Exell who took the victory. He rode a clear round in 135,69 seconds, enough to take his seventh World Cup. The second place went to Jérome Voutaz. He finished in 140,25 seconds. The Dutch rider Koos de Ronde completed the top three. Click here for the results