Starting next year owners of loose dogs at equestrian events could be hit in the pocket with hefty fines. The FEI is proposing a CHF 100 (€90) fine for owners of loose dogs at all its affiliated events worldwide from 1 January 2019. The move follows a number of high-profile incidents of dogs chasing horses at competitions in recent years. “There is currently no provision in the FEI rules about dogs at FEI events and some disciplines have references to it in the schedule,” states the explanation in the FEI 2019 general regulations proposal. “It is proposed to clarify that dogs must be leashed at FEI events as otherwise it can be dangerous for the horses/riders if there are loose dogs running.” “Violation of this rule will incur a fine of CHF 100 per offence and, in case of a repeated offence at the event, may lead to exclusion from the venue.” The rule, which is still in the early stages of development, would cover all international events in any of the FEI’s eight disciplines.