The Studbook Luxembourgeois has licensed five new stallions last week. Nine stallions were presented in front of the jury consisting of François Mathy, Gilbert Boeckmann, Eric Lanners and André Nepper. In the end five sires got the green light. Three of them will be licensed for one year. The two others are licensed for life. The three stallion who’ll be a part of Luxemburg’s stallion catalogue for one year and will need to be presented again in 2017 are: 1/ No-Comment de Septon (BWP) 2013 ( Jenson van’t Meulenhof x Couleur Rubin) 2/ Coup de Coeur de Chambourg (SCSL) 2013 ( Conway II x Landcapitol ) 3/ Mister d’Eclipse (BWP) 2012 (Diamant de SemillyX Caretino ) The two stallions approved for life are: 1/ Jack Jones (Old.) 2012 (Johnson x De Niro) 2/ Label d’Amour (SCSL) 2010 (Landadel x Stakkato)