There's no weekend you will not find Jana Bannister in the stables at the show ground. Belgium's top show jumping rider, Niels Bruynseels' groom is one of the most lovely grooms in the circuit. We took some time to talk about the 10 top things she learned being a groom... 1. It's very hard work 2. Its emotional. One day you are winning the biggest Grand Prix, the next the horse has been sold or severely or fatally injured 3. No horse is the same and it is up to you to work out what little things work to get the best out of them 4. No rider is the same and a good groom can adapt to work with them and make a top team 5. It's a good way to see the world 6. Patience really is a virtue 7. A bicycle is a vital piece of equipment 8. You learn to sleep whenever and wherever, even if it's just 5 minutes on a hay bale or tack trunk 9. Organisation. When you have a lot of horses you need to be very well organised 10. And the most important, you never stop learning. Always listen to what other grooms have to say