An Irish rider is at the centre of a French investigation following the death of a horse at the GPA Jump Festival, a two-week show jumping competition in Cagnes Sur Mer, France. According to French media reports, Kevin Thornton’s mount Startschuss collapsed and died after being worked on the racetrack at the French venue. “We still do not know what exactly happened and whether his death is linked to human action, she said. “If it is found that there has been abuse, we will go to the International Federation for taking the necessary sanctions. The show organisers issued two statements referring to the horse’s death on social media last night. The first read: “Following the accident today on the racecourse, the organization will take all necessary measures to clarify the circumstances of this drama and punish those responsible. Respect for the animal is one of our priorities and we are committed to that respect.” Following widespread condemnation of the incident, the show organisers issued a second statement, which read: “A lot of strong reactions, that we understand and that we share. For the record, the horseman concerned has just been excluded from the competition. To clarify this drama, a procedure with the competent authorities, as well as complementary examinations are in progress.” It is understood that the authorities have appealed for witnesses to the incident.