After her daughter avoided life-threatening injuries, a mother is calling for all parents to ensure their children are wearing proper safety wear. Her daughter was recently kicked in the face by her poney. This while she was practising a dressage test on her pony. The daughter fell when the animal lost its balance. Mossy, the pony, then spooked and kicked out, catching the child in the face. Megan, aged six, fractured the left side of her face, and has had surgery to insert plates to rebuild her eye socket. “I’m glad I insist she wears a body protector and hat every time she rides — these are part of the reason Megan is still with us,” said Mrs Jones. “I want to encourage other parents to have their children fitted with safety standard hats and body protectors. “You can’t put a price on safety. Megan hated wearing body protectors, so we had a bright pink one made for her, and now she loves wearing it. source: H&H/equnews