The Rolex Grand Slam is ready for its next leg. This week the Dutch expo in 's Hertogenbosch will color green. On the program it is looking forward for the Rolex Grand Prix on Sunday!
On the starting list, we see Max Kühner (AUT), Marlon Modolo Zanotelli (BRA), Julien Epaillard (FRA), Scott Brash (GBR), Daniel Deusser (GER), Marcus Ehning (GER), Jana Wargers (GER), Bertram Allen (IRL), Emanuele Gaudiano (ITA), Steve Guerdat (SUI), Henrik von Eckermann (SWE), Pieter Devos (BEL), Wilm Vermeir (BEL), and more.
For the home front, Kim Emmen, Willem Greve, Tani Joosten, Loewie Joppen, Jur Vrieling, Harrie Smolders, Frank Schuttert, Sanne Thijssen, Piet Raijmakers Jr., Lars Kersten, etc., will be competing.
Ben Maher (GBR), who won the CSIO4* Grand Prix of Wellington on Sunday, is also coming to 's Hertogenbosch!