It is no secret the Netherlands will definitely return home from Aachen with a happy face. Last week the driving team, the show jumping team and Jeroen Dubbeldam brought home the gold medals. This brings the Dutch team on a total of 8 medals. Four gold, 1 silver and 3 Bronze. The hosting country has however the overhand. The eventing and surely the vaulting team ensured a total of 15 medals on this edition of the European Championships. The Germans keep 3 gold medals, 9 silver and 3 bronze in Germany. Great-Britain has 3 medals so far, the same as Switzerland and Austria. Italy and France both claimed 2 medals. Italy 2 golden medals, France 2 bronze medals. Further it are Belgium, Spain and Hungary that took home 1 medal so far. Belgium thanks Gregory Wathelet riding to his individual Silver medal. For both Spain and Hungary the colour is bronze. Although Germany has more medals so far it are the Netherlands who are 'in the lead'. They have the most gold medals.